闫亦修 系中国竹笛专业委员会会员。曾为张立忠民族管乐工作室竹笛教师,兼任大连机场前小学、新华小学、大连海浪模特艺术学校竹笛教师。闫亦修8岁起师从于著名民族管乐演奏、教育家,中国竹笛专业委员会常务理事,辽宁省笛箫学会会长张立忠先生学习竹笛、巴乌、葫芦丝、埙、萧、排箫等管乐。2000年春,在张立忠老师的推荐下,拜中国音乐学院笛子大师张维良为师。2003年1月,参加全国青少年,获民族管乐独奏一等奖;2006年10月,获得第86届《桃李芬芳》全国青少年民乐观摩音乐会民族管乐一等奖,等等。
闫亦修多次受邀参加电视台的青少年栏目、文艺综合栏目演出,经常参加政府、中外交流、报社及各种大型庆典的演出,积累了丰富的演出经验。她曾受邀在北京人民大会堂表演独奏;曾受邀请到中央电视台8套文体台录制节目;2008年来美之后,多次受邀参加领馆以及社会各社团的演出活动,各主流媒体多次对其精彩演出进行了报道。在2010年8月,闫亦修成功在达拉斯举办了个人竹笛独奏音乐会,广受好评。2011年8月,闫亦修获得了EB-1A 杰出人才绿卡,充分得到了在竹笛专业上的肯定。闫亦修现在OAEC开设民族管乐教学,积极对华裔和美裔的孩子及成年人推广中国民族管乐。
Yixiu Yan studied bamboo flute, bawu, hulusi, xun, xiao, and paixiao with Mr. Lizhong Zhang, renowned in China as a wind instrument player and educator. Yan went on to serve as a training teacher at Zhang’s Orchestral Music Studio, the Jichang Qian and Xinhua Elementary Schools, and the Hailang Model Training School. Her exceptional command of the instruments earned her first place at the National Youth Competition for Chinese Traditional Instrument Performance, the golden prize at the Competition of Chinese Traditional Instrument Performance of Liaoning Province, and an invitation from Mayor Xilai Bo of Dalian, China, to perform at a historic cocktail reception for the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. In addition, she made numerous television appearances in Dalian and for the China Central television network in Beijing. She has also toured in Tokyo and Kitakyushu, Japan, as a representative of Dalian.
Now a resident of Houston, Yan holds an EB-1A green card, distinguishing her as an alien of extraordinary ability who has risen to the very top of her field of endeavor. She has performed throughout the Houston, Dallas, LA, Tucson, Atlanta, etc. Her appearances include performances at the 13th anniversary celebration for the Chinese Entertainment Center; the award ceremony for Chinese international student scholarships hosted by the Consulate General of the PRC in Houston; the opening of the terra cotta soldiers exhibit at the Houston Natural Science Museum; the World Expo 2012 Shanghai and New Year celebration for the City of Houston; and the Celebration of China-U.S. Friendship hosted by the City of Atlanta and the Chinese consulate in Houston. Yan recently gave a solo recital in Dallas, Texas, to critical acclaim. She remains an active member of the Chinese Bamboo Flute Professional Association.